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Kids of Promise Preschool





Sonshine Summer Camp

Kids of Promise Preschool offers a summer camp for all children from K-2 through 3 grade in elementary school.   The camp generally runs from the second week in June through the second week in August. 

Our primary goal for this camp is "FUN."
The summer curriculum focuses on various themes, using skills learned throughout the school year.  The children participate in play, crafts, art, outdoor activities, and K-4 and above take field trips, such as, going: bowling, to the park or zoo, children's museums, etc.

Schedule:  Regular hours apply, click here.

Camp Registration: 

K-4 and above: $50

K-2 and K-3:    $30

Tuition:  Regular weekly tuition rates apply, click here.





Summer Campers have the opportunity to participate in many fun and exciting field trips, such as:  Lion Country Safari, bowling, Susical the Musical, Miami Children's Museum, Museum of Science & Discovery, Flamingo Gardens, Butterfly World, Miami Science Museum, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Happenings, Young at Art, picnics in the park, the zoo, and much more. 


Not all field trips are available every summer.

Limited spaces available.

Extra costs may apply








Monday - Friday
6:30am - 6:15pm
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Call us 954-989-7998
  Fax: 954-981-1765
New Life Assembly of God
7885 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024

Copyright 2005-2010 KIDSOFPROMISE.ORG. All Rights Reserved. (New Life Assembly of God)  Webmaster:  M. Khaleel

New Life Assembly of God Church of Pembroke Pines, Florida

7885 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024
